
Večer najlepších filmov a seriálov roka 2024
Rok 2024 priniesol mimoriadne diela v oblasti svetovej kinematografie a seriálovej televíznej produkcie. Počas filmového večera si predstavíme len to najlepšie z moderného vnímania audiovizuálneho umenia. Je pozoruhodné, ako sa tento druh tvorby stále vyvíja a hľadá nové cesty ako zaujať často presýtených divákov a diváčky. Nestrácajte preto čas s priemernosťou a balastom. Noc filmov roka pude patriť tomu najlepšiemu za celý rok. Svetový film, to nie je len Amerika. Počas tohto večera sa dozviete, že tie najlepšie filmy sa nakrúcajú v úplne iných krajinách. Objavte svet o ktorom možno ani netušíte. Počas eventu vám Peter Konečný predstaví viac ako 30 filmových krajín. Spoluautor najpočúvanejšieho slovenského filmového podcastu Vertigo Peter Konečný, počas roka cestuje po mnohých festivaloch a vyberá tie najlepšie filmy, ktoré by ste mali poznať. Nechajte sa uniesť do sveta kinematografie.
Majestic Music Club
Juraj " Ďuri" Hnilica
Blue Note
Nové Mesto nad Váhom
Juraj Hnilica je slovenský spevák, skladateľ, textár, hudobník a hudobný producent.Viac info :https://durikes.sk/Rezervácie vstupeniek a miest : info@bluenote.skVstupné 20 €
Randal Club
Loits (black metal) - Estonia https://www.facebook.com/@LoitsOfficialhttps://www.deezer.com/en/artist/194878Severoth (atmospheric black metal) - Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/severothhttps://severoth.bandcamp.comGyvata (neofolk) - Lithuaniahttps://www.facebook.com/Gyvatahttps://gyvata.bandcamp.comHeiden (progressive post-black metal) - Czech Republichttps://www.facebook.com/kapelaheidenhttps://linktr.ee/heidenhordeSunstrike (pagan black/thrash metal) - Slovakiahttps://www.facebook.com/sunstrike.officialhttps://sunstrike.bandcamp.com/track/v-posv-tnom-tichu
Správa o stave republiky v Trenčíne
Piano klub
Ako je na tom Slovensko po uplynulom roku a ktoré vtipy vám pomôžu sa s tým vyrovnať? To sa dozviete na čoraz populárnejšej satirickej show Mateja Adámyho - Správa o Stave Republiky. Nenechajte si ujsť v poradí už siedme vydanie ostrovtipného sumáru, ktorý vás prevedie najdôležitejšími udalosťami slovenskej politickej scény. Matej za vami tentoraz vyráža až do siedmich miest na Slovensku i v Česku. Už 27.1. vás bude baviť v Trenčíne.UPOZORNENIE: Vstup na show je až od 15 rokov. Na vystúpenie odporúčame prísť s dostatočným predstihom, aby sme vás mohli riadne usadiť a nezmeškali ste úvod show.
Supa & Vec - Námestie Slobody Tour /Stromoradie/
Supa a Vec presťahujú na jeden večer Námestie slobody do vášho klubu. Nasajte atmosféru ich štvrte a možno aj celej spoločnosti roku 2024, tak ako ju zachytáva ich spoločný album. Okrem všetkých skladieb z neho, odohrajú aj svoje najväčšie solo bangre a kolabá z minulosti, predajú a podpíšu vám vinyly, ak bude treba.Keďže je to štvrtok, koncert sa začne už o 20.00h a potom vás samozrejme čaká aj DJ set.
Randal Club
Po dvoch rokoch k nám opäť zavíta fenomenálny spevák Johnny Gioeli s jeho formáciou Hardline. Ich energická show vás dostane do varu s hitmi ako "Dr. Love", "Rhythm from a Red Car", "Everything" alebo "Hot Cherie" ale takisto aj ďalšie ich pecky, ktoré odohrajú na legendárnom pódiu Randal Clubu v piatok 31. januára 2025!!
Rob Tognoni Trio /Austrália/
Blue Note
Nové Mesto nad Váhom
Tento charismatický umělec se v lednu 2025 vydává na evropské klubové turné a přináší sebou nezkrotnou energii, strhující kytarová sóla a repertoár, který osciluje mezi klasickým blues, rockem a funkem.„Australský kytarista R. T. je jedním z nejlepších nekompromisních virtuózů současného blues rocku.“ (časopis Blues News)„Jeho hudba je droga spojená se sex appealem. Předpokládám, že moc dobře ví, co to udělá se ženskou.“ (časopis Blues Matters)„Jeho prsty se pohybovaly po strunách kytary s dech beroucí rychlostí. Zvlášť během sólových partů byli lidé ohromení a zůstávali s ústy dokořán kvůli jeho precizní hře. Rob zůstával zcela klidný, jako by hra na kytaru byla tou nejpřirozenější věcí na světě.“ (časopis Kölnische Rundschau)Pochází z Tasmánie, ovšem jeho kořeny jsou italské. V mládí na něj velký vliv měla velká jména jako B. B. King, Jimi Hendrix, ale také Grand Funk Railroad a samozřejmě AC/DC. Od svých vzorů se brzo odpoutal a začal psát svoje původní skladby. Tou vůbec první byla v roce 1977 „Jim Beam Blues“, která je i dnes součástí jeho koncertního repertoáru. Celá 80. léta byl řadovým členem různých seskupení nejprve v Tasmánii, později přesídlil do Melbourne. Od počátku 90. let začal vystupovat jako sólista a od poloviny let 90. jsme ho již mohli vidět i v Evropě.Jeho současná hudba je drsným mixem rock´n´ rollu, boogie a klasického rocku. Poslední dobou „Tasmánskému ďáblovi“, jak je mnohými fanoušky nazýván, statečně sekunduje tvrdá německá rytmická sekce, která výsledný dojem ještě umocňuje.Viac :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3sDL5eVDMshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hayrg0FSsYchttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy1ORqyGiQkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzKAMPCuDBchttps://www.robtog.comRezervácie : info@bluenote.sk
Majestic Music Club
Гурт "100Лиця" чітко вловлює вайб сучасності. Молоді та популярні артисти зроблять цей вечір незабутнім.Їхні треки неодноразово потрапляли в топи українських чартів, а пісня "Покохай мене" довгий час займає передову позицію в Spotify та Apple Music.18-30 - ФАН-ЗУСТРІЧ (ДЛЯ ЛЮДЕЙ з квитками VIP)19-00 - OPEN DOOR 20-30 - START CONCERT
Lenka Gálisová Quartet
Blue Note
Nové Mesto nad Váhom
Quartet nitrianskej speváčky a herečky Lenky Gálisovej, laureátky súťaže mladých jazzových interpretov Jazz START UP 2022.Viac :https://www.facebook.com/.../Lenka-G%C3.../100051976580308/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHSwAaOjaOQZostava :Lenka Gálisová – vocal /Ján Rigó – piano /Matej Štubniak – double bass /Martin Kukučka – drums /Rezervácie miest a vstupeniek : info@bluenote.skVstupné 15 €
The Paper Jack & Calvados band - Prešov
Československý dvojkoncert kapiel The Papper Jack a Calvadosband. Rock"n"rollovú kapelu The Papper Jack založili Andy Budka a Ondřej Timpl - obidvaja exčlenovia Katapult. Kapelu dopĺňajú Johnny Jiroušek a José Botek, kapela doposiaľ vydala dva albumy a predskakovala legendam Nazareth a Slade. Calvadosband - to je množstvo gitár, bluesový feeling, ale aj tvrdé južanské boogie. Dunivá basa, šľapajúce bicie, bottlenecky, ústne harmoniky, aparáty - to je košické zoskupenie, ktoré tvoria gitarista Ján Fenko, bassgitarista Rastislav Dobranský a bubeník Marek Cicholes. Dvojhodinový koncert dobrej muziky a bude aj prídavok exKatapulťákov.
Randal Club
Raw Power was formed in 1981 in Poviglio (RE), Italy, by brothers Mauro (vocals) and Giuseppe Codeluppi (guitar). Through the years the band has lived through several line-up changes and the two brothers were the only stable members until Giuseppe’s death in 2002. The band’s name came from The Stooges‘s third album. Previously, the Codeluppi brothers had played in another band called Off Limits. Other members in Raw Power’s first line-up were Silvio (guitar and vocals), bassist Maurizio Dodi (who came from punk band Chelsea Hotel) and teenager drummer Helder Stefanini.In 1983 they recorded a 19-track demo (sometimes referred as Brown Studio Tape) and two songs appeared in the Italian punk compilation, Raptus. The tape also included the song «Fuck authority», which appeared in Maximumrocknroll‘s international punk and hardcore compilation, Welcome to 1984. Their debut album, You Are The Victim, was released in 1983 (or 1984, depending on sources) through the same small independent Italian label that released the Raptus compilation (Meccano Records). Raw Power had another two tracks in the second Raptus compilation, Raptus: Negazione e superamento (1984).A small tape label from San Diego, USA, called BCT Tapes released in 1984 their demo (untitled, aka Brown Studio Tape) and some of their live stuff in the Last White Christmas compilations (recorded in December 1983). Through the BCT contact, in the same year the band flew over to the States for their first US tour, rolex cellini replica which happened in August–September 1984 (the band have since then returned to tour the USA a total of six times). Second guitarist Silvio was replaced by Davide (ex Chelsea Hotel) before the tour.While touring in the USA in 1984, the band played in Los Angeles with punk legends Dead Kennedys. It was at that show that they were spotted by Bill Sassenberger, owner of Toxic Shock Records. The band signed a record deal with Bill, which resulted in the album Screams From The Gutter. “screams” sold more than 40,000 copies strictly through independent distribution and shops. Almost simultaneously, BCT released a Live in the USA tape (BCT 17, 3/85), compiling some of their best shows.In 1986, Toxic Shock released the EP Wop Hour and the LP After Your Brain.In 1987, Raw Power appeared on the compilation album “Rat Music For Rat People”, recorded in San Francisco by producer Sylvia Massy at CD Presents.In the years to come, other records including Mine To Kill (Southern Records, 1989), Live Danger (TVOR Records, 1991) and Too Tough to Burn (Contempo Records, 1992) were released, but none of them sold as respectively as the first two recordings on Toxic Shock.During their tours in the U.S.A. Raw Power have shared the stage with the Circle Jerks, Adolescents, D.O.A., Bad Brains, Agnostic Front, Minor Threat, Dead Kennedys, Suicidal Tendencies, among many others. As a trivia fact, it can be mentioned that in 1986 in a small club in Seattle the Guns N’ Roses opened for Raw Power.In 1995 they recorded the Fight album for Godhead Records, trying to achieve a sound more akin to their live shows. A video clip was made to promote the album, which was broadcast by MTV. Their next album for Godhead was Live from the gutter, recorded live on March 1, 1996 in the Maffia Club from Reggio Emilia (Italy). It contains twenty-seven songs with no overdubs.In 1998 the band came back to Bill and Toxic Shock, who had changed its name to Toxic Ranch Records, releasing Reptile House. Reviews of the record were all incredible, calling it the best thing the band had done since their debut release. With that, the band decided to return to the U.S. for their first American tour in several years. It was at that time that they met a long time Raw Power fan named Tony Patino. A person that would be instrumental for the band in the next few years.The 1998 tour, which was organized by Patino, started and ended in New York City, and covered most of the eastern states. It was on the first night of that tour that the band stored some of their gear in the support bands vehicle, only to find out the next day that some of their guitars were stolen. The support band, Infected, a then unknown band from Lexington, Kentucky, had mistakenly parked their van and left it unattended in New Jersey, and had to explain how they did not have Giuseppe’s Gibson Les Paul that he had played for roughly twenty years.In the late 1998, Marco Massarenti joined the band, replacing bassist Alessandro Paolucci.Another tour of the states was underway the following year, but had to be scrapped midway through when Mauro was hospitalized in Indianapolis. He was suffering from kidney stones and had to have a stone surgically removed. Several dates on the tour had to be canceled due to the nature of his illness, which made it nearly impossible for him to sing.In 2000 Alessandro Ronchini replaced Marco Massarenti and Raw Power released their next album “Trust Me” on Hello Records, a label that Patino, their American booking agent had started. This was the first recording since “Fight” that Silvio played guitar for the band. Just as the album was released, they hit American soil once again. This time, the tour support was a radical band from Los Angeles called Tongue, featuring a female vocalist/artist named Liz Mcgrath. The tour started in Los Angeles rather than New York, and the West coast welcomed the band with open arms. It was their most successful American tour since the first one in 1984.The following year, in 2001, the band toured the states once again, supporting the “Trust Me” release. This time with old 1985 tour mates, Decry supporting. The tour started in Atlanta and ended in Denver, and was the last time founding member Giuseppe would ever see the United States. Band members from that tour have said that it was the most redeeming tour of the states ever for him.In 2002, Raw Power went back into the studio to record Still Screaming After 20 Years, a celebration of their two decades as a band. Shortly after finishing it, on October 6, guitarist and founding member Giuseppe Codeluppi suffered a heart attack while playing soccer, and died. The cover of the “Still Screaming” album was the only record cover where the band used a photo, rather than artistic images. It’s a photo taken by Patino at Meteor Crater, Arizona, where a meteor had allegedly hit the earth over 50,000 years prior. It was the last photo of Giuseppe with his band ever taken in America.After his death, the remaining members debated on keeping on. In the end, it was decided that Giuseppe would have wanted the band to continue, with or without him.European tours followed in 2004-2005. In 2005 Roberto the drummer was replaced by Fabio because of health reasons.In 2007 Tommi Prodi was back in the band replacing guitarist Luca Carpi.In 2008 Marco Massarenti was back in the band replacing bassist Alessandro Ronchini.April 13, 2010 Beer City Records released the first ‘Raw Power’ box set entitled ‘The Reagan Years’. This set contains 1 DVD and 2 CD’s. All the material featured in this set compiles most of the material recorded by the band during the 1980s. Henceforth the title ‘ The Reagan Years’.Also included is a full DVD sized lyric book with liner notes by Mauro ‘singer’ and co founder of ‘Raw Power’.Beer City also brought back Vince ‘Rancid’ Packard to do the cover art. Packard had done both the covers for ‘Screams From the Gutter’ and ‘After Your Brain’. The cover features the monster (being torn apart by Ronald Reagan complete with a monkey on his shoulder with Oliver North’s face) seen on many ‘Raw Power’ covers along with the familiar sewer setting and rat. The CD’s total 63 tracks and the DVD contains 2 live performances. One from 1986 and one from 1987. Both were filmed on US tours the band had done.October 2010 P.I.G. records released the band’s new album, Resuscitate, 8 years after Still Screaming…. It’s been recorded in Seattle’s Studio Litho (owned by Pearl Jam’s Stone Gossard) during the 2009 US tour. It features 24 new songs plus two stooges covers (“I wanna be your dog” and “Raw power”) and a remake of the band’s 1988 classic “mine to kill” as ghost track.In 2012, the Italian F.O.A.D. Records starts reprinting all of the classic albums of Raw Power, starting with the first Demo Tape printed for the first time on vinyl, entitled Birth, passing through the first four records, and adding for the first time totally new audio material, including the discovery of a totally unknown Demo dating back to 1982. For the same label, the same year, the split 7 ” with DRI released in 2001 is reprinted , this time in double flexi 7″ colored, with a previously unreleased bonus track . The same year also sees the release of ”No More Borders”, a 4-way split 7 “together with MDC, Som-Hi Noise and Naked Aggression. The record is co-produced by different European and American labels and contains an unreleased track for each band.On October 7, 2012 Luca Carpi died at 34 of pulmonary embolism.Throughout 2013 the band plays continuously in their own country and across Europe, returned to the US in April and recorded a new album with Beer City records, “Tired and Furious”, released in mid- 2014 .In 2013 Paolo di Bernardo on guitar Gianmarco Agosti on drums joined the band.In 2014 and in 2015 Raw Power toured the United States.In 2016 the band toured Europe, playing with Agnostic Front and H2O.In 2017 Indiebox Records released the new album “Inferno” and Raw Power played the biggest italian punk rock festivals. At the end of the year the band toured Australia for the first time.In 2018 the drummer Mattia “Il Berta” Bertani joins the band after Gianmarco departure.Raw Power remains the longest-running band in the history of Italian hardcore punk.